Rouen and Auvers-sur-Oise

These two days were particular charming for me. Rouen is a delightful town perfect for “city walking,” and Auvers-sur-Oise is home and resting place of Vincent Van Gogh.

Joan of Arc was tried and burned at the stake in Rouen, and her image can be found in sculptures and portraits around the inner city and the church built in her honor.

I don’t know why Vincent van Gogh captivates me so, but I find that I simply must look at his work, or hear his story, whenever I get the chance. Maybe it’s because nobody ever paid attention to him except his brother (now buried alongside him), or that you could see how he might go raving mad in a world that didn’t accept him.

They always say “do what you love and the money will follow,” right? Well that didn’t work out so well for Vincent, did it?

The Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam is a world treasure, but the little inn, the town, and the farms where he lived and painted are like a story come to life: