Easy Ways to Enhance Your “Getaway” Romance

Whether your getaway-for-two is over Valentine’s Day or not, by land or by sea, you can enhance your romance wherever you go — without spending a fortune.

Here are some inexpensive and easy tips:

  • Find a garden. It could be right there at your resort, in a park near your hotel, or part of an outing from your cruise ship. Walking together through cool green spaces is always relaxing and refreshing, clearing your mind to focus on the romantic moment at hand. It might be quiet, too, so you can actually talk!
  • Be alone in a crowd. Usually it’s impossible, right? The restaurants are full, the beaches are packed, everywhere is busy busy busy — but there’s a simple technique for blissfully wiping out all the commotion around you: loop arms, gaze into each other’s eyes as often as possible, and willfully pretend that nobody else exists.
  • Buy a flower.  A whole bouquet is expensive and might be a tragic waste if your trip is short, but if you’re out walking about and spot a flower shop or neighborhood market then swoop in for a stem that your sweetie can carry around for the day.
  • Get some bubbly. One of my favorite things is walking around a cruise ship with my sweetie holding a glass of champagne (all the while pretending there’s nobody else around!). You can do this in your room, at a bar, or on the beach. This can work even if you don’t drink alcohol — order a bottle of fancy soda and get two straws, sip together side-by-side.
  • Share a treat. I don’t know what it is, but something about eating the same bowl of gelato together is amazingly romantic.
  • Pack a little surprise. I remember once after a stressful journey (long flight, airport hassles, you know the stuff), I was tired and cranky and hungry when voila! — my sweetie pulls out a Hershey bar from his bag! Another time, I brought one of those fizzy “bath bomb” balls to drop into the tub.
  • Have a bath together. If you don’t have anything fancy to put in the water, the shower gel will make lots of suds!
  • Sleep in. Sometimes this is hard if you’re on a tour or only got away for a few days and feel that you have to “cram it all in” to make the trip worthwhile. But on at least one day, carve out a morning when you can sleep late and have breakfast brought in (or at least use that little coffee machine in your room).

I think the main theme here is to find little ways to reduce stress — you can’t be romantic if you’re tense about waiting for a table or being in a line, feeling like you have to spend a lot of money, or simply being tired. I know it’s an old cliche, but it’s true — the little things can mean the most!